School Profile
School Profile @ Chilwell PS
Chilwell Primary School is located in Newtown with a current enrolment of 410 students. Chilwell is a family orientated school with a strong partnership with the community. Chilwell PS creates a learning environment for all students & staff in which the principles of care, courtesy & respect for the rights and property of all are valued.
Classroom programs focus on developing a positive & cooperative learning environment in which children can achieve their potential in all curriculum areas. The school provides a sequential & inclusive curriculum based on the Victorian Curriculum, enhanced by Learning Technologies (BringIT2Chilwell iPad program years 2-6) and guided by current, evidenced based curriculum philosophies. Teachers remain committed to continuous professional development. Team planning of curriculum and Professional Learning Teams promote a shared pedagogy, are driven by assessment data and supported Literacy, Numeracy and ICT Coaching. While Literacy, Numeracy & ICT are our curriculum strengths we have high quality specialist teaching programs in Physical Education, Visual Arts and STEM, (Science, Technology, both Design / Digital, and Mathematics) and Performing Arts.